Misty Wyatt has been married for sixteen years to a man of faith. They have two children, a daughter aged twelve and a son aged nine. Their son has Asperger’s Syndrome. Through their daily challenges, they have learned and continue to learn what each stage of life encompasses for them as a family. They continue to learn how to stay strong through difficult situations. They know there is strength in challenges and they tackle each day in that fashion. And although some days are harder than others, just as life is, they start fresh with each new day. As their daughter transitions from childhood to adolescence their goal is to impress upon her that she is never alone, she has a purpose and unimaginable things are possible with the right attitude toward life. They encourage her to use her gifts to inspire others. Misty and her husband both work in stressful jobs. Misty is a court reporter in the criminal system and her husband is a Homicide Detective. Their lives are difficult to plan because so much depends upon outside demands. They have learned to be flexible and adjust. They have learned to tackle life in small increments and focus on the moment rather than the “what could happen” in life. She believes a smile can brighten any day, and one never knows when they may be the recipient of a smile sent their way. A long distance runner, Misty concentrates on stamina. She looks at life in the same way. Life is challenging, but life can be what one makes of it. So today, she invites you to journey through life with her in hopes of finding a new vision – a vision of purpose in the gift of life.

Visit my blog: http://mistyreflectionsanddailymeditations.wordpress.com